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Lavalink exposes a REST API to allow for easy control of the players. Most routes require the Authorization header with the configured password.

Authorization: youshallnotpass

Routes are prefixed with /v3 as of v3.7.0 and /v4 as of v4.0.0. Routes without an API prefix were removed in v4 (except /version).

Insomnia Collection

You can find an Insomnia collection in the here which contains all the endpoints and their respective payloads.

Error Responses

When Lavalink encounters an error, it will respond with a JSON object containing more information about the error. Include the trace=true query param to also receive the full stack trace.

Field Type Description
timestamp int The timestamp of the error in milliseconds since the Unix epoch
status int The HTTP status code
error string The HTTP status code message
trace? string The stack trace of the error when trace=true as query param has been sent
message string The error message
path string The request path
Example Payload
  "timestamp": 1667857581613,
  "status": 404,
  "error": "Not Found",
  "trace": "...",
  "message": "Session not found",
  "path": "/v4/sessions/xtaug914v9k5032f/players/817327181659111454"

Track API

Common Types


Field Type Description
encoded string The base64 encoded track data
info Track Info object Info about the track
pluginInfo object Additional track info provided by plugins
userData object Additional track data provided via the Update Player endpoint

Track Info

Field Type Description
identifier string The track identifier
isSeekable bool Whether the track is seekable
author string The track author
length int The track length in milliseconds
isStream bool Whether the track is a stream
position int The track position in milliseconds
title string The track title
uri ?string The track uri
artworkUrl ?string The track artwork url
isrc ?string The track ISRC
sourceName string The track source name

Playlist Info

Field Type Description
name string The name of the playlist
selectedTrack int The selected track of the playlist (-1 if no track is selected)

Track Loading

This endpoint is used to resolve audio tracks for use with the Update Player endpoint.


Lavalink supports searching via YouTube, YouTube Music, and Soundcloud. To search, you must prefix your identifier with ytsearch:, ytmsearch: or scsearch: respectively.

When a search prefix is used, the returned loadType will be search. Note that disabling the respective source managers renders these search prefixes useless.

Plugins may also implement prefixes to allow for more search engines to be utilised.

GET /v4/loadtracks?identifier=dQw4w9WgXcQ


Track Loading Result

Field Type Description
loadType LoadResultType The type of the result
data LoadResultData The data of the result

Load Result Type

Load Result Type Description
track A track has been loaded
playlist A playlist has been loaded
search A search result has been loaded
empty There has been no matches for your identifier
error Loading has failed with an error

Load Result Data

Track Result Data

Track object with the loaded track.

Example Payload
  "loadType": "track",
  "data": {
    "encoded": "...",
    "info": { ... },
    "pluginInfo": { ... },
    "userData": { ... }
Playlist Result Data
Field Type Description
info PlaylistInfo object The info of the playlist
pluginInfo Object Addition playlist info provided by plugins
tracks array of Track objects The tracks of the playlist
Example Payload
  "loadType": "playlist",
  "data": {
    "info": { ... },
    "pluginInfo": { ... },
    "tracks": [ ... ]
Search Result Data

Array of Track objects from the search result.

Example Payload
  "loadType": "search",
  "data": [
      "encoded": "...",
      "info": { ... },
      "pluginInfo": { ... },
      "userData": { ... }
Empty Result Data

Empty object.

Example Payload
  "loadType": "empty",
  "data": {}
Error Result Data

Exception object with the error.

Example Payload
  "loadType": "error",
  "data": { 
    "message": "Something went wrong",
    "severity": "fault",
    "cause": "..."

Track Decoding

Decode a single track into its info, where BASE64 is the encoded base64 data.

GET /v4/decodetrack?encodedTrack=BASE64


Track object

Example Payload
  "info": {
    "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
    "isSeekable": true,
    "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
    "length": 212000,
    "isStream": false,
    "position": 0,
    "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
    "uri": "",
    "artworkUrl": "",
    "isrc": null,
    "sourceName": "youtube"
  "pluginInfo": { ... },
  "userData": { ... }

Decodes multiple tracks into their info

POST /v4/decodetracks


Array of track data strings

Example Payload


Array of Track objects

Example Payload
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 0,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
    "pluginInfo": { ... },
    "userData": { ... }

Player API

Common Types


Field Type Description
guildId string The guild id of the player
track ?Track object The currently playing track
volume int The volume of the player, range 0-1000, in percentage
paused bool Whether the player is paused
state Player State object The state of the player
voice Voice State object The voice state of the player
filters Filters object The filters used by the player

Voice State

Field Type Description
token string The Discord voice token to authenticate with
endpoint string The Discord voice endpoint to connect to
sessionId string The Discord voice session id to authenticate with

token, endpoint, and sessionId are the 3 required values for connecting to one of Discord's voice servers. sessionId is provided by the Voice State Update event sent by Discord, whereas the endpoint and token are provided with the Voice Server Update. Please refer to


Filters are used in above requests and look like this

Field Type Description
volume? float Adjusts the player volume from 0.0 to 5.0, where 1.0 is 100%. Values >1.0 may cause clipping
equalizer? array of Equalizer objects Adjusts 15 different bands
karaoke? Karaoke object Eliminates part of a band, usually targeting vocals
timescale? Timescale object Changes the speed, pitch, and rate
tremolo? Tremolo object Creates a shuddering effect, where the volume quickly oscillates
vibrato? Vibrato object Creates a shuddering effect, where the pitch quickly oscillates
rotation? Rotation object Rotates the audio around the stereo channels/user headphones (aka Audio Panning)
distortion? Distortion object Distorts the audio
channelMix? Channel Mix object Mixes both channels (left and right)
lowPass? Low Pass object Filters higher frequencies
pluginFilters? map of Plugin Filter objects Filter plugin configurations

There are 15 bands (0-14) that can be changed. "gain" is the multiplier for the given band. The default value is 0. Valid values range from -0.25 to 1.0, where -0.25 means the given band is completely muted, and 0.25 means it is doubled. Modifying the gain could also change the volume of the output.

Band Frequencies | Band | Frequency | |------|-----------| | 0 | 25 Hz | | 1 | 40 Hz | | 2 | 63 Hz | | 3 | 100 Hz | | 4 | 160 Hz | | 5 | 250 Hz | | 6 | 400 Hz | | 7 | 630 Hz | | 8 | 1000 Hz | | 9 | 1600 Hz | | 10 | 2500 Hz | | 11 | 4000 Hz | | 12 | 6300 Hz | | 13 | 10000 Hz | | 14 | 16000 Hz |
Field Type Description
band int The band (0 to 14)
gain float The gain (-0.25 to 1.0)

Uses equalization to eliminate part of a band, usually targeting vocals.

Field Type Description
level? float The level (0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is no effect and 1.0 is full effect)
monoLevel? float The mono level (0 to 1.0 where 0.0 is no effect and 1.0 is full effect)
filterBand? float The filter band (in Hz)
filterWidth? float The filter width

Changes the speed, pitch, and rate. All default to 1.0.

Field Type Description
speed? float The playback speed 0.0 ≤ x
pitch? float The pitch 0.0 ≤ x
rate? float The rate 0.0 ≤ x

Uses amplification to create a shuddering effect, where the volume quickly oscillates. Demo:

Field Type Description
frequency? float The frequency 0.0 < x
depth? float The tremolo depth 0.0 < x ≤ 1.0

Similar to tremolo. While tremolo oscillates the volume, vibrato oscillates the pitch.

Field Type Description
frequency? float The frequency 0.0 < x ≤ 14.0
depth? float The vibrato depth 0.0 < x ≤ 1.0

Rotates the sound around the stereo channels/user headphones (aka Audio Panning). It can produce an effect similar to (without the reverb).

Field Type Description
rotationHz? float The frequency of the audio rotating around the listener in Hz. 0.2 is similar to the example video above

Distortion effect. It can generate some pretty unique audio effects.

Field Type Description
sinOffset? float The sin offset
sinScale? float The sin scale
cosOffset? float The cos offset
cosScale? float The cos scale
tanOffset? float The tan offset
tanScale? float The tan scale
offset? float The offset
scale? float The scale
Channel Mix

Mixes both channels (left and right), with a configurable factor on how much each channel affects the other. With the defaults, both channels are kept independent of each other. Setting all factors to 0.5 means both channels get the same audio.

Field Type Description
leftToLeft? float The left to left channel mix factor (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0)
leftToRight? float The left to right channel mix factor (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0)
rightToLeft? float The right to left channel mix factor (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0)
rightToRight? float The right to right channel mix factor (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0)
Low Pass

Higher frequencies get suppressed, while lower frequencies pass through this filter, thus the name low pass. Any smoothing values equal to or less than 1.0 will disable the filter.

Field Type Description
smoothing? float The smoothing factor (1.0 < x)
Plugin Filters

Plugins can add their own filters. The key is the name of the plugin, and the value is the configuration for that plugin. The configuration is plugin specific. See Plugins for more plugin information.

Example Payload
  "volume": 1.0,
  "equalizer": [
      "band": 0,
      "gain": 0.2
  "karaoke": {
    "level": 1.0,
    "monoLevel": 1.0,
    "filterBand": 220.0,
    "filterWidth": 100.0
  "timescale": {
    "speed": 1.0,
    "pitch": 1.0,
    "rate": 1.0
  "tremolo": {
    "frequency": 2.0,
    "depth": 0.5
  "vibrato": {
    "frequency": 2.0,
    "depth": 0.5
  "rotation": {
    "rotationHz": 0
  "distortion": {
    "sinOffset": 0.0,
    "sinScale": 1.0,
    "cosOffset": 0.0,
    "cosScale": 1.0,
    "tanOffset": 0.0,
    "tanScale": 1.0,
    "offset": 0.0,
    "scale": 1.0
  "channelMix": {
    "leftToLeft": 1.0,
    "leftToRight": 0.0,
    "rightToLeft": 0.0,
    "rightToRight": 1.0
  "lowPass": {
    "smoothing": 20.0
  "pluginFilters": {
    "myPlugin": {
      "myPluginKey": "myPluginValue"

Get Players

Returns a list of players in this specific session.

GET /v4/sessions/{sessionId}/players
Example Payload
    "guildId": "...",
    "track": {
      "info": {
        "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
        "isSeekable": true,
        "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
        "length": 212000,
        "isStream": false,
        "position": 60000,
        "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
        "uri": "",
        "artworkUrl": "",
        "isrc": null,
        "sourceName": "youtube"
      "pluginInfo": { ... },
      "userData": { ... }
    "volume": 100,
    "paused": false,
    "state": {
      "time": 1500467109,
      "position": 60000,
      "connected": true,
      "ping": 50
    "voice": {
      "token": "...",
      "endpoint": "...",
      "sessionId": "..."
    "filters": { ... }

Get Player

Returns the player for this guild in this session.

GET /v4/sessions/{sessionId}/players/{guildId}


Player object

Example Payload
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 60000,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
  "volume": 100,
  "paused": false,
  "state": {
    "time": 1500467109,
    "position": 60000,
    "connected": true,
    "ping": 50
  "voice": {
    "token": "...",
    "endpoint": "...",
    "sessionId": "..."
  "filters": { ... }

Update Player

Updates or creates the player for this guild if it doesn't already exist.

PATCH /v4/sessions/{sessionId}/players/{guildId}?noReplace=true


sessionId in the path should be the value from the ready op.

Query Params:

Field Type Description
noReplace? bool Whether to replace the current track with the new track. Defaults to false


Field Type Description
track? Update Player Track Specification for a new track to load, as well as user data to set
encodedTrack?* ?string The base64 encoded track to play. null stops the current track
identifier?* string The identifier of the track to play
position? int The track position in milliseconds
endTime? ?int The track end time in milliseconds (must be > 0). null resets this if it was set previously
volume? int The player volume, in percentage, from 0 to 1000
paused? bool Whether the player is paused
filters? Filters object The new filters to apply. This will override all previously applied filters
voice? Voice State object Information required for connecting to Discord


* encodedTrack and identifier are mutually exclusive and deprecated. Use track instead.

Update Player Track

Field Type Description
encoded?* ?string The base64 encoded track to play. null stops the current track
identifier?* string The identifier of the track to play
userData? object Additional track data to be sent back in the Track Object


* encoded and identifier are mutually exclusive.

When identifier is used, Lavalink will try to resolve the identifier as a single track. An HTTP 400 error is returned when resolving a playlist, search result, or no tracks.

Example Payload
  "track": {
    "encoded": "...",
    "identifier": "...",       
    "userData": { ... }
  "endTime": 0,
  "volume": 100,
  "position": 32400,
  "paused": false,
  "filters": { ... },
  "voice": {
    "token": "...",
    "endpoint": "...",
    "sessionId": "..."


Player object

Example Payload
  "guildId": "...",
  "track": {
    "info": {
      "identifier": "dQw4w9WgXcQ",
      "isSeekable": true,
      "author": "RickAstleyVEVO",
      "length": 212000,
      "isStream": false,
      "position": 60000,
      "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up",
      "uri": "",
      "artworkUrl": "",
      "isrc": null,
      "sourceName": "youtube"
  "volume": 100,
  "paused": false,
  "state": {
    "time": 1500467109,
    "position": 60000,
    "connected": true,
    "ping": 50         
  "voice": {
    "token": "...",
    "endpoint": "...",
    "sessionId": "..."
  "filters": { ... }

Destroy Player

Destroys the player for this guild in this session.

DELETE /v4/sessions/{sessionId}/players/{guildId}


204 - No Content

Session API

Update Session

Updates the session with the resuming state and timeout.

PATCH /v4/sessions/{sessionId}


Field Type Description
resuming? bool Whether resuming is enabled for this session or not
timeout? int The timeout in seconds (default is 60s)
Example Payload
  "resuming": false,
  "timeout": 0


Field Type Description
resuming bool Whether resuming is enabled for this session or not
timeout int The timeout in seconds (default is 60s)
Example Payload
  "resuming": true,
  "timeout": 60

Request Lavalink information.

GET /v4/info


Info Response

Field Type Description
version Version object The version of this Lavalink server
buildTime int The millisecond unix timestamp when this Lavalink jar was built
git Git object The git information of this Lavalink server
jvm string The JVM version this Lavalink server runs on
lavaplayer string The Lavaplayer version being used by this server
sourceManagers array of strings The enabled source managers for this server
filters array of strings The enabled filters for this server
plugins array of Plugin objects The enabled plugins for this server

Version Object

Parsed Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

Field Type Description
semver string The full version string of this Lavalink server
major int The major version of this Lavalink server
minor int The minor version of this Lavalink server
patch int The patch version of this Lavalink server
preRelease ?string The pre-release version according to semver as a . separated list of identifiers
build ?string The build metadata according to semver as a . separated list of identifiers

Git Object

Field Type Description
branch string The branch this Lavalink server was built on
commit string The commit this Lavalink server was built on
commitTime int The millisecond unix timestamp for when the commit was created

Plugin Object

Field Type Description
name string The name of the plugin
version string The version of the plugin
Example Payload
  "version": {
    "string": "3.7.0-rc.1+test",
    "major": 3,
    "minor": 7,
    "patch": 0,
    "preRelease": "rc.1",
    "build": "test"
  "buildTime": 1664223916812,
  "git": {
    "branch": "master",
    "commit": "85c5ab5",
    "commitTime": 1664223916812
  "jvm": "",
  "lavaplayer": "",
  "sourceManagers": [
  "filters": [
  "plugins": [
      "name": "some-plugin",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "name": "foo-plugin",
      "version": "1.2.3"

Request Lavalink version.

GET /version



Request Lavalink statistics.

GET /v4/stats


frameStats is always missing for this endpoint. Stats object

Example Payload
  "players": 1,
  "playingPlayers": 1,
  "uptime": 123456789,
  "memory": {
    "free": 123456789,
    "used": 123456789,
    "allocated": 123456789,
    "reservable": 123456789
  "cpu": {
    "cores": 4,
    "systemLoad": 0.5,
    "lavalinkLoad": 0.5

RoutePlanner API

Additionally, there are a few REST endpoints for the ip rotation extension.

Common Types

Route Planner Types

Route Planner Type Description
RotatingIpRoutePlanner IP address used is switched on ban. Recommended for IPv4 blocks or IPv6 blocks smaller than a /64.
NanoIpRoutePlanner IP address used is switched on clock update. Use with at least 1 /64 IPv6 block.
RotatingNanoIpRoutePlanner IP address used is switched on clock update, rotates to a different /64 block on ban. Use with at least 2x /64 IPv6 blocks.
BalancingIpRoutePlanner IP address used is selected at random per request. Recommended for larger IP blocks.

Details Object

Field Type Description Valid Types
ipBlock IP Block object The ip block being used all
failingAddresses array of Failing Addresses The failing addresses all
rotateIndex string The number of rotations RotatingIpRoutePlanner
ipIndex string The current offset in the block RotatingIpRoutePlanner
currentAddress string The current address being used RotatingIpRoutePlanner
currentAddressIndex string The current offset in the ip block NanoIpRoutePlanner, RotatingNanoIpRoutePlanner
blockIndex string The information in which /64 block ips are chosen. This number increases on each ban. RotatingNanoIpRoutePlanner

IP Block Object

Field Type Description
type IP Block Type The type of the ip block
size string The size of the ip block

IP Block Type

IP Block Type Description
Inet4Address The ipv4 block type
Inet6Address The ipv6 block type

Failing Address Object

Field Type Description
failingAddress string The failing address
failingTimestamp int The timestamp when the address failed
failingTime string The timestamp when the address failed as a pretty string

Get RoutePlanner status

GET /v4/routeplanner/status


Field Type Description
class ?Route Planner Type The name of the RoutePlanner implementation being used by this server
details ?Details object The status details of the RoutePlanner
Example Payload
  "class": "RotatingNanoIpRoutePlanner",
  "details": {
    "ipBlock": {
      "type": "Inet6Address",
      "size": "1208925819614629174706176"
    "failingAddresses": [
        "failingAddress": "/",
        "failingTimestamp": 1573520707545,
        "failingTime": "Mon Nov 11 20:05:07 EST 2019"
    "blockIndex": "0",
    "currentAddressIndex": "36792023813"

Unmark a failed address

POST /v4/routeplanner/free/address


Field Type Description
address string The address to unmark as failed. This address must be in the same ip block.
Example Payload
  "address": ""


204 - No Content

Unmark all failed address

POST /v4/routeplanner/free/all


204 - No Content

Last update: December 2, 2023